Friday, August 28, 2009

Made in the USA

Did you know our paint is made in the USA?

Did you also know that our paint is the best washable paint on the market, and that it really is washable. If you've been disappointed with other so-called "washable" formulas, give our paint a try. It's been tested first-hand on our sofa, our carpet... anywhere our son's little painted hands can reach.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

What's in a Guarantee

So I placed an order with a company on the 31st of July. At the time, I spoke to them on the phone and they said it should ship in about 5 days. On the 10th I hadn't received it, so I called them. They told me at that point that they were 2 weeks out, but my order should ship "next week."

Feeling neither warm nor fuzzy, I called on the 18th just to make sure things were really on track. They told me it should ship on the 19th. On the 19th they called me at 5am and said it was shipping out on the 20th.

Today I didn't receive it, so I called again. It went out on the 24th.

Another company "guarantees" to ship within 48 hours, but this year they've been shipping in more like 72. They "guarantee" it, but if they don't meet it, there's no discount, credit, or apology. It just didn't happen.

So what's in a guarantee? Or whatever happened to a "gentleman's agreement"? If you've said you'll do something, do you do it? What do you do if you can't keep your word? Should you do anything? or do you just say "oh well"?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Way to go Killip

If you didn't catch it in the paper, there was a great article in the Arizona Daily Sun about Killip elementary school.

Read the whole article.

The article singles out Sheryl Wells. Who else do you know that is an excellent teacher? What practices do they use to make student learning a success?

The article also talks about having "no excuses." I think that's a great plan! They actually bought a copy of this poster for each classroom. I've always thought of it as something you'd say to a student when they forgot their homework or something, but I'm realizing it's a great plan for grown-ups too. What excuses will you be letting go of this year?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Take photos now!

Okay, so this has nothing to do with school or teaching. My grandpa just died (93!!) and at his funeral they had a slide show going of pictures with him. Oddly, most of the photos were of him with my family. The cousins are hard to "find." I think it's because my parents moved far away to another state, and my cousins all lived in the same town. It was "special" for us to see our grandparents, while my cousins saw them "all the time." You wouldn't think to take a picture of your work-place; it's not "special." Also we tended to do "exciting" things with them because it was vacation. Again, it was "special."

Michelle does a good job of reminding us to take pictures of our family (the three of us), and we have big group shots.

However, our family hasn't been on a "vacation" to my parents' and when they come the store is still open so it's not like we go camping in Sedona for a week. Plus, it's just my parents. Why would I need a picture of them? I know what they look like, and they're just here to visit. That's the problem! Ian will look at my photos with my parents 30 years from now and not really remember when or where that photo was taken (and think wow - I look young!) - especially if there is no photo.

So make me this promise: Next time your family comes to visit, take a picture.

And last but not least, A brief pause for Leo Despain -- 1916 - 2009. Hiker/Camper, husband, father, gardener, veteran, and my grandpa.