Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Stimulus Funding Update

So Arizona is in the news again. If you haven't been following the story, here's the 10 second version:

Part of President Obama's stimulus package is for funding education. The intention was to provide additional money for education. However, they forgot to use the word "additional" in the actual law, and so some states want to simply drop their budget for education and replace it with the stimulus money.

For example: Let's say that Arizona spends 10 million dollars on education. The idea was to give AZ 8 million more dollars to spend on education (for a total of 18 million), but the state wants to cut their 10 million obligation, and just use the 8 million.

National Education Secretary Arne Duncan is not happy about that, and he's since he controls the purse strings, he's not the man you want to make upset.

Now would be a perfect time to contact the Arizona Department of Education and the Governor's office and let them know how you feel.

Read the entire article from USA today.

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